
Leonora Flis is a Slovene literary scholar, an Associate Professor of Literature (University of Nova Gorica and University of Maribor) and a Lecturer of English language at the University of Ljubljana. Flis also does literary translation, hosts roundtables, writes book reviews, and creates radio programmes for the National Slovene Radio. She is a writer of short stories (Upogib časa, 2015; she has an upcoming new collection) and teaches creative writing workshops. In 2011/12 she was a postdoctoral Fulbright scholar at Columbia University in New York.
Flis’s main research interests are modern and contemporary British and American Literature, Film Studies, Graphic Novels and Literary Journalism. She has had several articles published in Slovene and foreign academic journals and books. She is the author is Factual Fictions: Narrative Truth and the Contemporary American Documentary Novel(2010).


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